BrainStorm by UsAgainstAlzheimer's

[AlzTalks-Archive] Developing a Culture of Brain Health - Dr. Neelum Aggarwal


UsAgainstAlzheimer's is grateful for the support of Sunrise Senior Living in this Talk, which was produced for Sunrise families, team members, and its community partners.

Emerging science now reveals that proactive prevention of and maintenance for overall health concerns can help yield positive effects for a resistant and resilient brain. As we continue to learn, more evidence demonstrates that focus on our overall health—including brain health across the lifespan—will create a stronger foundation and better resistance to cognitive impairment as we age.

No longer a concern simply for later years, proactive brain health across the lifespan requires understanding, attention, and commitment to our body’s most powerful organ. We need to know how to empower ourselves, our families and our communities to keep our brains healthy from the earliest years. UsA2 is here to help share this knowledge and understanding, to combat Alzheimer’s from every angle and to continue the urgent work that will ultimately bring about a cure.

Dr. Neelum Aggarwal of Rush University and the American Medical Women’s Association describes ways that individuals, families, and communities can promote their cognitive health, helping to reduce their risk for diseases like Alzheimer’s. Moderating the conversation is Jill Lesser, UsAgainstAlzheimer’s board member and President of its WomenAgainstAlzheimer’s network.

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